SAVE THE DATE 19.09.–12.12.24 | POELLATH+ M&A Lehrgang 2024 Frankfurt | hybride Veranstaltungsreihe
In diesem Lehrgang von P+Training vermitteln erfahrene M&A‑Praktiker die rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen zur erfolgreichen Durchführung von M&A‑Transaktionen. Ein Lehrgang für Berufseinsteiger und Fortgeschrittene.
SAVE THE DATE | M & A Zertifikatslehrgang 2024 an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster in Kooperation mit der JurGrad gGmbH
Unter den Dozenten, Prof. Dr. Alexander Götz, Senior Partner bei Blättchen & Partner | Vom 25. — 29. Juni 2024 bietet das Institut für Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht…
SAVE THE DATE — Zertifikatslehrgang M&A 2023 JurGrad gGmbH
Der Kurs vermittelt die Grundlagen für die erfolgreiche Durchführung von M & A‑Transaktionen. Er richtet sich in erster Linie an Berufsanfänger und Berufsträger
Managementbeteiligungen – Aktuelle Markttrends im Fokus
Was bewegt die Private Equity-Branche beim Thema Managementbeteiligungen? Unsere Experten sprechen über aktuelle Markttrends.
MUPET 2022 am 30. Juni in München
Hiermit laden wir Sie herzlich zur MUPET Munich Private Equity Training 2021 ein. Die Veranstaltung
Zertifikatslehrgang M&A 2022 an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster in Kooperation mit der JurGrad gGmbH
Unter den Dozenten, Prof. Dr. Alexander Götz, Senior Partner bei Blättchen & Partner | Vom 28. Juni
16. September – 25. November 2021 | Nach dem großen Erfolg der letzten Jahre bietet
eMUPET 2020 – Munich Private Equity Training 15. bis 19. Juni 2020
eMUPET 2020 – Munich Private Equity Training als Onlinewoche. Die Teilnahme ist nach online Registrierung in
17. September – 03. Dezember 2020 in Frankfurt am Main | Nach dem großen Erfolg
Certificate course M&A 2020 at the Westphalian Wilhelms-University Münster in cooperation with JurGrad gGmbH
Tuesday 23 — Saturday, 27 June 2020
M&A Course 2019
This year’s M&A course will take place from 12 September to 28 November 2019 at P+P Pöllath + Partners in Munich. Among the speakers Prof. Dr. Alexander Götz.
Munich Private Equity Training | MUPET on 4/5 July 2019
MUPET 2019 — Munich Private Equity Training at the Literaturhaus in Munich.
22nd Munich M&A‑Forum on May 14, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at the Literaturhaus Munich
The next MM&A Forum will take place on 14 May 2019 at the Literaturhaus Munich and will provide a platform for discussions on recent legal developments and their impact on M&A transactions. Among the guests: Prof. Dr. Götz, Partner at Blättchen & Partner. More information in the program.
Certificate course M&A 2019 at Wilhelms-Universität in Münster
Tuesday, 25 — Friday, 29 June 2019
MUPET 2018 — Munich Private Equity Training on Thursday, 05 and Friday, 06 July 2018 at the Literaturhaus Munich
MUPET 2018 — Munich Private Equity Training
Thursday 05. — Friday 06 July 2018
Literaturhaus München Salvatorplatz 1 80333 München
The event provides an overview of current market trends and market standards in all areas of the corporate finance industry.
26–30 June 2018 — Certificate Course M&A
Prof. Dr. Alexander Götz gives a lecture on management incentives.
M&A Courses 2017 — Thursday 21 September — Thursday 30 November 2017
We are pleased to invite you to our very popular M&A courses in Munich this year. These courses are aimed primarily at professionals, i.e. professionals with up to three years of professional experience in all areas of M&A practice (private equity funds, companies, banks, corporate finance consultants). Here you will learn everything you need to know about the successful execution of M&A transactions – in a particularly compact form. Participants who already have experience in M&A transactions can refresh and expand their knowledge in individual areas on these courses. Experienced M&A practitioners provide you with the real, legal and economic foundations of M&A transactions. And this time, too, we were able to attract professionals from other disciplines to the interdisciplinary exchange, so that we can also offer you a rounded picture of current transaction practice in 2017. The course is divided into ten modules, which are spread over a period of three months. The modules take place on Thursdays from 5 to 8 p.m. in the Munich offices of P+P Pöllath + Partners.
MUPET 2017 — Munich Private Equity Training on Thursday, 13 and Friday, 14 July 2017
MUPET 2017 — Munich Private Equity Training
Scale, the new SME segment of Deutsche Börse AG
Ms. Bandov of Deutsche Börse explained the idea behind Scale.
Theme evening IPO: Key Findings IBU-tec advanced materials AG
Blättchen & Partner has been supporting his clients with experienced consultants for more than 30 years. We specialize in advising on equity and debt financing, the purchase and sale of companies, management participation and remuneration in companies listed on the stock exchange and non-listed companies, and investor relationship management. Our clients are owner-managed companies, medium-sized and large international corporations as well as private and institutional investors. More than 500 transactions are proof of our proven expertise. The growing interdisciplinary competence network, the high level of customer satisfaction and the large number of publications on important corporate finance topics reflect our recognised reputation.
26–30 June 2017 Certificate Course M&A
Prof. Dr. Alexander Götz gives a lecture on “Managers in M&A Transactions”.
20–24 June 2016 Certificate Course M&A
Prof. Dr. Alexander Götz gives a lecture on management incentives.