Vorstandsvergütung in DAX und MDAX 2023 – Analyse der Vergütung und der Vergütungselemente
CORPORATE FINANCE Nr. 07–08 26.07.2024, Seie 181–184 | von Prof. Dr. Alexander Götz und Dipl. jur. Moritz Stahl Dieser Beitrag analysiert die Vorstandsvergütung im DAX und MDAX im Jahr 2023 und führt die Untersuchung aus dem Vorjahr fort. Die absolute Vergütung wird für alle Vorstandsmitglieder sowie für die Vorstandsvorsitzenden und Finanzvorstände ausgewertet. Außerdem wird die […]
Der Markt für Neuemissionen in Deutschland 2023 – Deutschland kommt nicht voran
CORPORATE FINANCE Nr. 01–02 26.01.2024 von Dr. Konrad Bösl, Konstantin Dudeck und Julius Hofmann Die politischen und wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen für Neuemissionen waren 2023 sehr schlecht.
„Die Vergütungsberichte werden größer“ (FINANCE+)
Welche Trends zeichnen sich bei den CFO-Gehältern des vergangenen Geschäftsjahres ab? Moritz Stahl von Blättchen & Partner berichtet über die Trends
Jahresrückblick Neuemissionen 2021 | Daten — Fakten — Trends
Weltweite Neuemissionstätigkeit boomt. Das mit Abstand stärkste Wachstum bei Neuemissionen fand in Europa statt. Technologiewerte
Neuemissionen 1. Halbjahr 2021
Fulminates 1. Halbjahr bei Neuemissionen weltweit und in Deutschland. Unsere Studie präsentiert Ihnen in einer
Der Markt für Neuemissionen in Deutschland 2020 – „alte Normalität“
CORPORATE FINANCE Nr. 01–02 29.01.2021 von Dr. Konrad Bösl Die Rahmenbedingungen für Börsengänge waren aufgrund
Neuemissionen 2020
Daten – Fakten – Trends, Studie zu den Neuemissionen 2020 von Dr. Konrad Bösl und
The market for new stock issues in Germany — 2019 a disappointment
CORPORATE FINANCE No. 01–02 31.01.2020 by Dr. Konrad Bösl
Critical Review of the Year — New Share Issues 2019
Current study at the end of the new issue year 2019 by Dr. Konrad Bösl, Konstantin Dudeck and Christian Oßwald.
IPOs in 2019 – A complete Disappointment
Blättchen & Partner presents its annual review of new issues in 2019.
Management Board Compensation in the DAX and MDAX 2018 and changes due to ARUG II and DCGK
Study: Rocket Internet — IPOs at the expense of investors
The business model of Rocket Internet is to found internet-based start-ups or to participate in such ventures, to support them in many ways and to take them public after a few years. Rocket Internet has earned a lot of money from this in the past years and investors have lost a lot. Three issuers of the last three years brought the investors a loss of assets of more than 1.4 billion €. The shareholders of Rocket Internet are not doing any better — the share price has fallen by about 43% compared to the issue price. The prospects for Rocket Internet are poor: the quality of the current portfolio means that no further IPOs can be expected, at least in Germany, in the medium term. Perhaps the real reason for the plan games to withdraw from the stock market.
Review — New share issues in Germany 2018
Going Public + hv-magazine | Special Capital Market Law 2019 | The Reference Work for Issuers | An article by Dr. Konrad Bösl of Blättchen & Partner
The New Issue Year 2018 — a Critical Review
Abstract of the article: The new issue year 2018 — a critical review — by Dr. Konrad Bösl
Critical Review of New Stock Issues 2018
Executive Summary of New Issues 2018
New edition of the brochure “Successful IPO” by Dr. Konrad Bösl
The completely revised new edition of the brochure “Successful on the Stock Exchange” is now available.
Compensation of the Management Board in the DAX and MDAX 2017
Half-year review — New IPOs 2018
Munich, 09 July 2018 — An analysis of new issues in the first half of 2018
Preparation for the bondholders’ meeting — a demanding challenge
Kolumne von Dr. Konrad Bösl,
Geschäftsführer Blättchen & Partner GmbH
The 2017 stock market year: Germany remains behind in new IPOs
Eine Analyse der Neuemissionen 2017 inklusive des neuen Handelssegments Scale
The biggest mistakes in management participations
FYB 2018 — Dr Benedikt Hohaus, P+P Pöllath + Partners / Prof. Dr Alexander Götz, Blättchen & Partner GmbH
Critical Review of New IPOs 2017
Executive Summary on new issues 2017 — 11 new issues (previous year 6) in Germany. A study by Dr. Konrad Bösl, Managing Director at Blättchen & Partner GmbH in Munich.
Is the remuneration of listed companies appropriate?
Study on the adequacy of executive board remuneration in cooperation with the Baden-Württemberg Dual University of Applied Sciences (DHBW)
The 2016 stock market year: Weak IPOs and a new SME trading segment
An analysis of new issues in 2016 and a critical examination of the new trading segment for small and medium-sized companies of Deutsche Börse AG
The necessity and design of management participation in medium-sized companies
Dr. Konrad Bösl, Managing Director Blättchen & Partner GmbH
Dr. Konrad Bösl/Gebhard Meier: The new issue year 2015 only convinces at first glance – a lot of light and a lot of shadow
Publication in Corporate Finance 01–02/2016
Dr. Konrad Bösl/Gebhard Meier: Review of IPOs 2015
Critical review at the end of the year on the new issues of the past year.
Dr. Konrad Bösl/Gebhard Meier: What family offices can do to improve their company investments.
Study on the approach of family offices to participate in unlisted companies.
Prof. Dr. Alexander Götz/Niklas Friese: Compensation of the Board of Management in the DAX and MDAX 2014
Publication in Corporate Finance 9/2015
Dr. Konrad Bösl: China IPOs
Economic and legal analysis of Chinese issuers in Germany
Dr. Konrad Bösl: Successful on the stock exchange
Reading sample: Well-founded and objective brochure for medium-sized entrepreneurs going public.